May 14, 2024
Cheapest Taxi apps in Lagos and In Nigeria
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Ride apps have become a game-changer in the transportation industry across the globe, and Nigeria is no exception. With the rise of technology and smartphones, taxi apps have gained immense popularity in Nigeria, providing convenient and affordable transportation options to the masses.

As an experienced high-end copywriter, I have conducted a thorough comparison of the top ride-hailing apps in Nigeria to determine the most cost-effective option for your daily commute. In this article, I will reveal the cheapest taxi app in Lagos and other states in Nigeria that you can use for your commuting needs.

Comparing Ride-Hailing Apps in Nigeria:

As part of my research, I manually compared the prices of six prominent taxi apps in Nigeria, including Uber, Bolt, Rida, LagosRide, indrive, and Hopin. To ensure an unbiased comparison, I used the same distance and location for each ride. For my test, I selected a ride from Ikeja Shopping Mall to Costain Roundabout, and here are the results:

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1. Uber

Uber, a global ride-hailing giant, is known for its widespread popularity and reliability. However, during my comparison, I found that Uber’s prices in Nigeria were comparatively higher than other options. The fare for the selected ride from Ikeja Shopping Mall to Costain Roundabout was N3,920 – N4,080

Cheap ride hailing app

2. Bolt

Bolt, another popular ride-hailing service in Nigeria, offered a slightly cheaper fare for the same ride compared to Uber. The fare for the Bolt ride was N2500- N3,300, which was lower than Uber but still relatively higher than other options.

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Cheap taxi app


Hopin, a relatively lesser-known ride-hailing app in Nigeria, offered an even more affordable fare for the selected ride. The fare for HopinĀ  was N2694 – N3,070, making it one of the cheapest options in my comparison.

Hopin taxi app hailing services


4. Indrive

indrive, another good ride-hailing service, also proved to be a budget-friendly option for commuters in Nigeria. The fare for the same ride with indrive was N3,300 (can be adjustable), which was slightly cheaper than Uber.


Indrive taxi app

5. LagosRide

LagosRide, a locally developed and relatively new entrant ride-hailing app in Lagos, proved to be a bit more expensive option during my comparison. The fare for the same ride with LagosRide was N3,100 – N4,100, which was notably more expensive than Uber and Bolt.


6. Rida

Lastly, Rida, a locally developed taxi app market in Nigeria, offered the most affordable fare during my comparison. The fare for the same ride with Hopin was N2400, making it the cheapest option among all the apps I tested

Cheapest taxi app Rida

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